Founded in 1997 by a group of CASA/GALs (Guardians ad Litem), CASA Partners sponsors four direct service projects: My Bag, My School Bag, Bee Kind Garden, and Needs from the Heart.

Needs From The Heart

Over the years, Needs from the Heart has shopped for and provided athletic equipment, memberships for swimming lessons, strollers, cribs, school clothing, beds, dressers, mattresses, tricycles, toys, yearbooks. . . all to let a child experience the good parts of being a child and to help those who are helping the children. These are items or activities that foster parents and social workers may be unable to provide, but that Needs from the Heart can fulfill.

The practical needs are often essential in order for a family to be able to take in a child in need of a safe home. Equally important are the requests from the children for a skateboard, ASB card, a wagon, or bicycle. Being allowed to “just be a kid” is an important part of life and especially needed by children in the foster care system who have lost much of the innocence and joy of childhood through no fault of their own.

For more information relating to the Needs from the Heart program please email:

A Child Receives a Bicycle from the Needs From the Heart Program

A Child Receives a Bicycle from the Needs From the Heart Program